How to Livestream an Event

by | Aug 15, 2020 | Uncategorized

If you don’t have any experience in streaming events live, you probably have a thousand questions related to this service. That is why we prepared a detailed guide on how to livestream an event. Here are the steps to follow to ensure everything goes smoothly!

Step 1: Consider the Event You Are Streaming

The first thing you want to do is to analyze the specifics of the event that you are streaming. For example, a business conference will probably involve one or more lecturers with other people sitting in the crowd. That doesn’t include a lot of movement, and the video and audio should be focused on speakers.

Unlike that, weddings and sports events are active. You have people dancing at weddings and most of them are held in large halls. The viewers should hear music, but also background noise, since that helps to better feel the atmosphere. Also, there will be movement all over the place, which is why you need high-quality or even action cameras.

Apart from the event type, it is also necessary to consider the streaming venue. If you have the option, visit it and perform a detailed inspection. You want to establish the positions for cameras, your PC, and any other equipment you need.


Step 2: Gather Your Equipment

It is now time to gather your equipment. Here is an overview of the items that you will need:

  • Camera(s) – large events will be better covered with multiple cameras. If it is a small event, you can consider using a single camera. Those who don’t want to invest anything can use a webcam or smartphone, but professional-grade devices deliver better video quality.
  • Tripod – all cameras should be on a tripod, and you shouldn’t hold them in your hands. That secures stable footage, which is critical because viewers don’t like to watch shaky videos.
  • Microphones – the next thing to consider is audio. You might not need any microphones if the venue has a sound system. However, these devices can take audio quality to the next level.
  • Audio mixer – a mandatory item if you want to use multiple microphones and audio sources. You can adjust the volume and ensure all sound sources are at the same level.
  • PC or laptop – it will be your base station for streaming. Video and audio devices will be connected to it and you will use the computer to send the footage to the internet.
  • Cables – you will need to connect all cameras and microphones to the computer, and you will need cables for that. Consider their placement, and make sure the cables are of sufficient length.

Once you get everything ready, you can proceed to install the equipment in the designated locations. Make sure the gear is protected and that no one can damage it.


Step 3: A Stable Internet Connection

You have several options when it comes to using an internet connection:

  • A wired connection on the venue – the best possible option since it is the most stable one.
  • Wi-Fi connection – wireless connections are not that stable, which is why you should only use them as a last resort.
  • 4G mobile networks – these are usually stable, but if you have a limited package, they might cost a lot of money.

As for the speed of the internet connection, try to keep it as high as possible; the experts recommend at least 512kbps of upload for low-quality streams and 2mbps or more for HD videos.


Step 4: Software and Streaming Channels

The next thing to determine is the software that you will use on the PC. You need specialized encoding tools to read the signals from the devices and send them to the internet.

Once the signal is online, you need a streaming platform to broadcast it. You can use Facebook Live, Twitch, and maybe even your website. Premium third-party platforms are a smart way to go in order to find a suitable channel for your needs.


Step 5: Test If Everything Works Right

The only remaining step is to test if everything functions right. Here are some pointers:

  • Check if the device receives video and audio for all sources.
  • Make sure video and audio are synchronized.
  • Test the stream for the perspective of a viewer. Access the platform from another device, or ask a friend to see if everything works right.

If everything seems to work well, you are ready to start streaming!

Would you like an easy way to livestream an event but can’t be bothered to do everything yourself? Don’t hesitate to contact our company to discuss your requirements. We’ve been in the business for years and have extensive experience in live streaming different events.